in GUI Development by

I have to use multi frame bitmap in order to animate dashboard indicator.

I have about 50 images displaying different indicator values.

I combined them in a multi gif file, but Embedded wizard recognizes it as single frame image, not 50 frame image.

Each image is about 250x250 pixels.

Would you please help!

Thank you!

1 Answer

+1 vote


please make sure that the attribute FrameSize of your bitmap resource is set to <250,250>, in order to split the entire image into the 50 slices.

Btw: Have you considered to make the indicator of a dashboard by using a needle image and rotation? This might be much more efficient.

Best regards,


Hello Manfred,

Yes the attribute FrameSize is correct.

Maybe source file is in some wrong format?!

I tried with animated png and animated gif - result is the same.

Only first frame is displayed and the next frames are blank.

Best regards,

Hello Levent,

does it work in the Prototyper?

Or does the problem occur only on the target? In this case: What target are you using? Are there any error messages on the console?

Best regards,

Hello Manfred,

Thank you for your kind reply!

It doesn't work in the Prototyper.


Best regards,


Have you set the attribute FrameDelay of the animated bitmap resource?


There is a frame delay - 100 msec.
Can you provide a reduced example (you can upload a packed project here)?

Hello Manfred,

Here is some small test project.


Best regards,



Hi Levent,

please store the images in one bitmap (*.bmp, *.png or *.gif) containing the image frames one after another. The multi-frame GIF or animated GIF format is not supported (as it is also the case for a couple of graphics tools I tried to investigate your GIF file).

This means, if you have a FrameSize of <250,250> and you want to have 50 images, you can create one bitmap e.g. with 2500x1250 pixel and place one image after another. So you have 5 rows with 10 images per row. Then it should work.

Nevertheless, let me recommend to use only the small digits in the middle of your dashboard as a multi-frame image and draw the gauge by using a Stroked Path.

What do you think?

Best regards,


Hello Manfred!

Thank you for your fast reply!

I understood you very well.

I will generate image as you suggested.

Also I will try to draw the gauge.

Thank you for your kind assistance!

Best regards!

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