I am generating a EW class outside the EW Studio. Currently I have some objects representing a enumerator. For example 0 = monday, 1 = tuesday, ...
In der GUI the string for the current language must be displayed. For example: 0 = monday, Montag, lunes, ...
The string is created as an EW const string variable.
It is not possible to set 0 = Strings::monday, 1 = Strings::tuesday, because this name is just the EW const string variable name.
Therefore I need a reference to the save location, which is not possible, because this is created with source code generation. What I need, is a connection of the EW string name to the middle ware.
What I do not want is something like a switch case. For example: if ( 0 ) str = Strings::monday
Is there any way to address a EW constant from outside of the GUI?
- Jonas