in GUI Development by

    I am working with virtual keyboard .

   I am not able to add $ key in Special char layout.can you please guide me to resolve this.

layout speical on variable default value :  "@#!..."

here $ was not accept.

1 Answer

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Hi Ramesh,

please have a look at the error message you get once you do this:

Error ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::KeyboardQWERTZ.layoutSpecialOn (1:2) : Missing macro name after the $ sign. The $ sign is a special prefix which is used to start a macro or a directive. The Embedded Wizard expects that the prefix is followed immediately by the name of the macro. To input the $ sign itself use $$ sign sequence. The preprocessor will replace $$ by a single $ sign without any macro nor directive evaluation.

Therefore to solve this add two $ at the layout string variable.



Thank you.It is worked now.

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