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I used a 4.3-inch HDMI LCD screen from Waveshare(https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/4.3inch_HDMI_LCD_(B)), and a Raspberry Pi 3B. I have followed the instructions exactly, and now I have reached the last step. Since my screen has no touch function, it cannot run.
I would like to ask, can I only choose the official 7-inch display of the Raspberry Pi? If you want to use other brands and sizes of displays, what kind of modifications should be made?
The figure below is the output after I ran the last line of code.(./EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-3B)




1 Answer

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Hello Jia,

welcome to the forum.

Yes, the Build Environment for Raspberry Pi 2B/3B can only work with the official 7" Raspberry Pi Touch Display. If you want to use an HDMI display, you have to use the Build Environment for Raspberry Pi Model 4B or Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4. There you can use an HDMI display as alternative. Of course, you need the corresponding Raspberry Pi target.

Btw: The provided link of your display does not give a lot of information - maybe you can share more details.

And finally: Using a display without touch does not make much fun - and all of our demos are prepared for touch interaction. But anyhow, in principal it is possible to create GUI application without touch.

Best regards,



Hello Manfred,

Thanks so much for your help. This is the detailed information of the display. 

4.3inch HDMI LCD (B) - Waveshare Wiki


If we change to Raspberry Pi 4B, will it be possible to achieve just like those successful cases? The GUI is developed on the computer, and then the information is transferred to the Raspberry Pi. This means that if the GUI is made, the display system can be used as a vehicle display. Unlike the Raspberry Pi 3B tutorial, it must rely on computer folder sharing.

Best regards,



Hi Jia,

I assume that you can use this display in combination with RasPi-4B - although I did not test it with exactly this display type, but with other HDMI displays on RasPi-4B.

The workflow is identical between RasPi-3B and RasPi-4B. You need to have the shared directory to build the binary of your GUI application. Once this is done, you can start the binary without having a connection to the development PC.

Best regards,

Hi Manfred,

Thank you very much for your answer. I have purchased a new Raspberry Pi 4B and I look forward to it running successfully.

In addition, if I want to receive CAN data on the Raspberry Pi, then import the data into the GUI Software, and finally come out on the display. Is this possible?

In other words, can GUI-Software import data from Raspberry Pi?

Best regards,


Hi Jia,

there is no ready to use interface for CAN data - you are free to design your own interface and to receive data from any software protocol or hardware driver.

Let me refer to our comprehensive documentation about these topics: The articles Integrating with the device and Implementing a Device Interface explain all basics about native code and the integration of external software APIs or hardware drivers.

Best regards,


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