The Embedded Wizard (EW) function EwPrint() uses the uart and has been without a problem with our custom design (STM32 based). I have recently implemented a USB virtual comport (in our STM32 MCU), so data can be sent and received via a USB connection. I would like to patch the EwPrint() to use the virtual comport, what is the place place to do this. My preliminary investigation points to the functions EwBspConsolePutCharacter() and EwBspConsoleGetCharacter() the file ew_bsp_console.c, but these functions operate on single characters, where as the virtual comport functions operate with blocks of data. It is not to say that the block of data cannot be a consist of a single character, but for efficiency it would good to send and receive blocks of data. I would appreciate suggestions on the best place to make the changes.