Hello, I have a simple project where I want to modify the screen background depending on a property's value, managed with an ESP32-WROVER.
First, I made the mistake to use the Property from Chora folder in Templates. With that, using the OnSet method, I could see the changes every time I started the prototyper, but then I realized that if I want to flash the application to the ESP I need the Property from Device folder in Templates.
Trying to migrate to the Device's Property, I now use an UpdateProperty method, because I don't want the GUI to change the Property's value. I also use a PropertyObserver with it's slot event. The slot's code is just the following switch:
switch (ButtonValue)
case 1: MenuBackground.Bitmap = Application::SelectedBitmap1;
case 2: MenuBackground.Bitmap = Application::SelectedBitmap2;
default: MenuBackground.Bitmap = Application::MenuBitmap;
I'll explain these names...I have my Application class, with an object called MenuScreen in which I put an image called MenuBackground. The bitmap resources are situated in the unit Application.
Now the application isn't working. I change the property's value in the Inspector window and doesn't work properly in the prototyper. But the main problem I have is that I can't find anything as my property to change in the generated code. I was willing to use that in order to program the ESP and change the property's value. Is it possible to find my property's translated code in one of the generated files in order to change the value?
I'll really appreciate any comment you have about anything I said. And if you need screenshots or something else please don't hesitate to ask.
Best regards,