I'm trying to use the Arc path as a RPM indication of a dashboard,
I setup a timer to trigger a "ChangeRpm" slot every 100ms, below is my "ChangeRpm" code,
if ( 0 == ReverseFlag ) { RpmArc.EndAngle += 5; if ( RpmArc.EndAngle >= 320.0) { ReverseFlag = 1; } } else { RpmArc.EndAngle -= 5; if ( RpmArc.EndAngle <= 90.0 ) { ReverseFlag = 0; } }
Then when I start the prototyper, the front end of rpm arc is like jumping back and forth, please see the footage below.
Could you advise how to solve this issue?
Hello Noah,
I do not see any problems with your implementation and the video. What do you mean with "jumping back and forth"? What I observe is that the arc moves with large steps. This is caused because the single step is 5 degree. Maybe you can explain better the problem?
Best regards
Paul Banach
I'm not sure what you mean with 'reset', but each time after the value of the property EndAngle has been changed, the entire arc is recalculated again and the area occupied by the Stroked Path view is redrawn automatically. Does it answer your question?
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