in GUI Development by


   I am working in virtual keyboard.when i click CapsLockLeft button layouts showing in Capital letters next i click close button virtual keyboard is closed

again i call Keyboard.open mehod it is showing in captial letter .

when i  am init virtualkeyboard it is showing small letter layout right but it is not show correctly

can you please explain or please guide  me to resole the issue.if any other way to acheive this.



With Reagrds


1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Ramesh,

to fix this issue you can do the following:

1. Create at ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::KeyboardAnimated a slot called onMoveEffectFinished with the following content:

signal onMoveEffect;

// Reset the keyboard character layout and the states of the capslock buttons
if ( keyboard != null )
  keyboard.keyboardLayout = ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::CharacterLayout.ShiftOff;
  keyboard.CapsLockLeft.State = ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::CapsLockState.Off;
  keyboard.CapsLockRight.State = ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::CapsLockState.Off;

2. Set this slot inside the inspector at moveEffect.OnFinished



Hi julian,

     Thanks for the update .It is working fine now.

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