in Getting started by

I am now testing my GUI application out on the stm32f429-disco, and want the error msgs, as well as my traces outputted to the console. I tried to follow the instruction in documents regarding Console Output. But I can't get the "STMicroelectronics STLink Virtual COM Port (COMx)" to show up in my device manager, and therefore also not in tera term. I updated the st-link and tried with another cable, still didn't work.....

Any Idea, what else I can do? I actually thought of kinda relaying the msgs through uart to another board(st-link) and use this to output it on the console, as I know this STLink Virtual COM Port (COMx) of the board (stm32l476rg) is detected by the PC. But before doing so, I would like to know if there is an easier solution to that.


kind regards,


1 Answer

0 votes
Hi techXiu,

routing the serial messages over another board sounds laboriously...

As far as I have seen in the STM32F429 Discovery user manual, there are no Jumpers involved.

Have you tried your board on another PC? Or a second Discovery board?

Best regards,

Hi Manfred!

yeah, it does sound laborous.....

I did tried it with my other disco-board, and another pc, nothing worked :(


kind regards,

Hi techXiu,

have you tried to find some information in a ST forum? It seems to be more related to the ST-LINK / USB driver.

Best regards,


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