maybe my question is very weird:
Early last year (2021) I install the Embedded Wizard (free edition), I got some examples and after I build it, the "auto-generated" code is saved here: (see figure below)
But after I updated the Embedded Wizard some months later, I got more examples, but they are saved here: (see figure below)
If I am trying to build the code, the auto-generated source codes will not appear to the right place "C:\nxp\IMXRT1170-EVK\Application\GeneratedCode" any way. Without this step, I cannot launch the "make" step to compile the code.
be aware, this issue doesnt occurr by the very old examples. They seemed work as well as before. It only happen to the new example code.
Can anyone help me to know, where can I configure the build option, to let the auto-generated code be export to the "Application\GeneratedCode" folder?
best regards