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Working on MIMXRT1170 EVK with the EVK GT_911 display.
Touch i2c is in M7 and which is automatically disabled when we flash the M4 code.(bare metal hello world from MCU expresso SDK 2.10.1)

We used generated example code(HelloWorld.ewp) for M7 display touch and a Hello world demo example for M4.
We have confirmed that we are not using multiple pins for same purpose.
While we flash the M4 code the M7 touch will automatically get stuck (display still works).
1. Will both core work independently at the same time ?
2. Pinmux is as follows in M7

IOMUXC_SetPinMux(IOMUXC_GPIO_DISP_B2_15_GPIO11_IO16, 0U); /* MIPI panel power */


IOMUXC_SetPinConfig(IOMUXC_GPIO_AD_01_GPIO9_IO00, 0x0u); /* touch reset */


IOMUXC_SetPinMux(IOMUXC_GPIO_AD_00_GPIO8_IO31, 1U); /* touch interrupt */
IOMUXC_SetPinConfig(IOMUXC_GPIO_AD_00_GPIO8_IO31, 0x0u);


/* I2C bus */
IOMUXC_SetPinMux(IOMUXC_GPIO_LPSR_04_LPI2C5_SDA, 1u); /* i2c SDA */
IOMUXC_SetPinMux(IOMUXC_GPIO_LPSR_05_LPI2C5_SCL, 1u); /* i2c SCL */


Display is working fine but there is no touch response.

1 Answer

0 votes

I did not test that scenario - but it should work.

What application are you running on the M4? What happens if you just make a main() with an endless loop on M4? Does this work?

I think there must be some conflicts, either in IO configuration, I2C configuration or interrupt configuration.

Best regards,

1. What application are you running on the M4?
. I tried flashing hello world in a while loop and also LED Blinky example code in M4.
. While flashing the M4 the M7 display code get stuck and no response in touch.
2. What happens if you just make a main() with an endless loop on M4? Does this work?
. I have tried the same but same effect.

3. I think there must be some conflicts, either in IO configuration, I2C configuration or interrupt configuration.
. No we are not using any conflicting pins in the M4 code(Blinky or hello world) and also tried commenting the pinmux of M4 too.
Let me recommend to check some NXP forums for some hints, or maybe there are some dual core examples within the NXP SDK.

The topic is not really related to GUI development - so I cannot give you helpful advices.

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