in Platform Packages by
In order to use this TrueType font, I have added the Noto_Sans_ttf.c' file to my build-process and registered the TrueType font by using the function EwTtfRegisterFont():

   EwTtfRegisterFont( "Noto Sans", Noto_Sans_data, Noto_Sans_size, 0 );

However, passing this into the function FT_New_Memory_Face, we have in the freetype package, crashes (somewhere in FT_Open_Face(ft_open_face_internal)). I am not able to debug this, any clues as to what I might be doing wrong?

1 Answer

0 votes

difficult to say what the exact reason is.... Please note, that FreeType font engine is a third party library.

If you do not have the chance to debug that, do you get any error message on the console (via serial connection)? Maybe there is some helpful error message.

I can imagine that the FreeType font engine is running out-of-memory. Can you check that?

Best regards,


Thank you Manfred for your reply.

There is no console log message received for this. I also tried reducing the Noto_Sans_ttf.c file to confirm if that is going out of memory, but I am still seeing that it crashes.

I have further narrowed it down to the function ft_open_face_internal where it fails at 

error = open_face( driver, &stream, external_stream, face_index,
                             num_params, params, &face );

  static FT_Error
  ft_open_face_internal( FT_Library           library,
                         const FT_Open_Args*  args,
                         FT_Long              face_index,
                         FT_Face             *aface,
                         FT_Bool              test_mac_fonts )
    FT_Error     error;
    FT_Driver    driver = NULL;
    FT_Memory    memory = NULL;
    FT_Stream    stream = NULL;
    FT_Face      face   = NULL;
    FT_ListNode  node   = NULL;
    FT_Bool      external_stream;
    FT_Module*   cur;
    FT_Module*   limit;

    FT_UNUSED( test_mac_fonts );

    FT_TRACE3(( "FT_Open_Face: " ));
    if ( face_index < 0 )
      FT_TRACE3(( "Requesting number of faces and named instances\n"));
      FT_TRACE3(( "Requesting face %ld", face_index & 0xFFFFL ));
      if ( face_index & 0x7FFF0000L )
        FT_TRACE3(( ", named instance %ld", face_index >> 16 ));
      FT_TRACE3(( "\n" ));

    /* test for valid `library' delayed to `FT_Stream_New' */

    if ( ( !aface && face_index >= 0 ) || !args )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

    external_stream = FT_BOOL( ( args->flags & FT_OPEN_STREAM ) &&
                               args->stream                     );

    /* create input stream */
    error = FT_Stream_New( library, args, &stream );
    if ( error )
      goto Fail3;

    memory = library->memory;

    /* If the font driver is specified in the `args' structure, use */
    /* it.  Otherwise, we scan the list of registered drivers.      */
    if ( ( args->flags & FT_OPEN_DRIVER ) && args->driver )
      driver = FT_DRIVER( args->driver );

      /* not all modules are drivers, so check... */
      if ( FT_MODULE_IS_DRIVER( driver ) )
        FT_Int         num_params = 0;
        FT_Parameter*  params     = NULL;

        if ( args->flags & FT_OPEN_PARAMS )
          num_params = args->num_params;
          params     = args->params;

        error = open_face( driver, &stream, external_stream, face_index,
                           num_params, params, &face );
        if ( !error )
          goto Success;
        error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Handle );

      FT_Stream_Free( stream, external_stream );
      goto Fail;
      error = FT_ERR( Missing_Module );

      /* check each font driver for an appropriate format */
      cur   = library->modules;
      limit = cur + library->num_modules;

      for ( ; cur < limit; cur++ )
        /* not all modules are font drivers, so check... */
        if ( FT_MODULE_IS_DRIVER( cur[0] ) )
          FT_Int         num_params = 0;
          FT_Parameter*  params     = NULL;

          driver = FT_DRIVER( cur[0] );

          if ( args->flags & FT_OPEN_PARAMS )
            num_params = args->num_params;
            params     = args->params;

          error = open_face( driver, &stream, external_stream, face_index,
                             num_params, params, &face );
          if ( !error )
            goto Success;

          if ( test_mac_fonts                                           &&
               ft_strcmp( cur[0]->clazz->module_name, "truetype" ) == 0 &&
               FT_ERR_EQ( error, Table_Missing )                        )
            /* TrueType but essential tables are missing */
            error = FT_Stream_Seek( stream, 0 );
            if ( error )

            error = open_face_PS_from_sfnt_stream( library,
                                                   aface );
            if ( !error )
              FT_Stream_Free( stream, external_stream );
              return error;

          if ( FT_ERR_NEQ( error, Unknown_File_Format ) )
            goto Fail3;

      /* If we are on the mac, and we get an                          */
      /* FT_Err_Invalid_Stream_Operation it may be because we have an */
      /* empty data fork, so we need to check the resource fork.      */
      if ( FT_ERR_NEQ( error, Cannot_Open_Stream )       &&
           FT_ERR_NEQ( error, Unknown_File_Format )      &&
           FT_ERR_NEQ( error, Invalid_Stream_Operation ) )
        goto Fail2;

#if !defined( FT_MACINTOSH ) && defined( FT_CONFIG_OPTION_MAC_FONTS )
      if ( test_mac_fonts )
        error = load_mac_face( library, stream, face_index, aface, args );
        if ( !error )
          /* We don't want to go to Success here.  We've already done   */
          /* that.  On the other hand, if we succeeded we still need to */
          /* close this stream (we opened a different stream which      */
          /* extracted the interesting information out of this stream   */
          /* here.  That stream will still be open and the face will    */
          /* point to it).                                              */
          FT_Stream_Free( stream, external_stream );
          return error;

      if ( FT_ERR_NEQ( error, Unknown_File_Format ) )
        goto Fail2;

      /* no driver is able to handle this format */
      error = FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );

      FT_Stream_Free( stream, external_stream );
      goto Fail;

    FT_TRACE4(( "FT_Open_Face: New face object, adding to list\n" ));

    /* add the face object to its driver's list */
    if ( FT_NEW( node ) )
      goto Fail;

    node->data = face;
    /* don't assume driver is the same as face->driver, so use */
    /* face->driver instead.                                   */
    FT_List_Add( &face->driver->faces_list, node );

    /* now allocate a glyph slot object for the face */
    FT_TRACE4(( "FT_Open_Face: Creating glyph slot\n" ));

    if ( face_index >= 0 )
      error = FT_New_GlyphSlot( face, NULL );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

      /* finally, allocate a size object for the face */
        FT_Size  size;

        FT_TRACE4(( "FT_Open_Face: Creating size object\n" ));

        error = FT_New_Size( face, &size );
        if ( error )
          goto Fail;

        face->size = size;

    /* some checks */

    if ( FT_IS_SCALABLE( face ) )
      if ( face->height < 0 )
        face->height = (FT_Short)-face->height;

      if ( !FT_HAS_VERTICAL( face ) )
        face->max_advance_height = (FT_Short)face->height;

    if ( FT_HAS_FIXED_SIZES( face ) )
      FT_Int  i;

      for ( i = 0; i < face->num_fixed_sizes; i++ )
        FT_Bitmap_Size*  bsize = face->available_sizes + i;

        if ( bsize->height < 0 )
          bsize->height = -bsize->height;
        if ( bsize->x_ppem < 0 )
          bsize->x_ppem = -bsize->x_ppem;
        if ( bsize->y_ppem < 0 )
          bsize->y_ppem = -bsize->y_ppem;

        /* check whether negation actually has worked */
        if ( bsize->height < 0 || bsize->x_ppem < 0 || bsize->y_ppem < 0 )
          FT_TRACE0(( "FT_Open_Face:"
                      " Invalid bitmap dimensions for strike %d,"
                      " now disabled\n", i ));
          bsize->width  = 0;
          bsize->height = 0;
          bsize->size   = 0;
          bsize->x_ppem = 0;
          bsize->y_ppem = 0;

    /* initialize internal face data */
      FT_Face_Internal  internal = face->internal;

      internal->transform_matrix.xx = 0x10000L;
      internal->transform_matrix.xy = 0;
      internal->transform_matrix.yx = 0;
      internal->transform_matrix.yy = 0x10000L;

      internal->transform_delta.x = 0;
      internal->transform_delta.y = 0;

      internal->refcount = 1;

      internal->no_stem_darkening = -1;

      /* Per-face filtering can only be set up by FT_Face_Properties */
      internal->lcd_filter_func = NULL;

    if ( aface )
      *aface = face;
      FT_Done_Face( face );

    goto Exit;

    if ( node )
      FT_Done_Face( face );    /* face must be in the driver's list */
    else if ( face )
      destroy_face( memory, face, driver );

    if ( !error && face_index < 0 )
      FT_TRACE3(( "FT_Open_Face: The font has %ld face%s\n"
                  "              and %ld named instance%s for face %ld\n",
                  face->num_faces == 1 ? "" : "s",
                  face->style_flags >> 16,
                  ( face->style_flags >> 16 ) == 1 ? "" : "s",
                  -face_index - 1 ));

    FT_TRACE4(( "FT_Open_Face: Return 0x%x\n", error ));

    return error;

Are there any other methods that I can test the ttfe platform package on device.

I am using Embedded Wizard 9.3 Pro Version for RX platform.



did you inspect the error code that is returned from open_face()?

Is there any out-of-memory situation? Can you ensure that there is enough memory, so that the FreeType font engine can allocate the necessary memory to load the "Noto Sans" font? I assume that other fonts are working, correct?

What do you want to say with the posted code?

Best regards,

Can we know the amount of memory required to allocate for the FreeType font engine?


I cannot give you clear numbers of the memory footprint required by the FreeType font engine - as mentioned, this font engine is a third party product.

Anyhow, the font engine requires a lot of RAM to make the rasterization. The following measurements have been done on a STM32F7 target using FreeType2:

  • Example HelloWorld: max 320 kByte using Arial True-Type font
  • Example PaperCutter: max 140 kByte using Roboto Regular, Roboto Black and Roboto Medium

This is the memory space allocated by the font engine itself - it is not related to glyph cache or the Graphics Engine.

I hope this helps...

Best regards,


Thanks Manfred,

I increased the stack size and now I am getting Unknown_File_Format error.

I am using Noto_Sans_Regular.c (ttf) file.

Can you please let me know why I am getting this error and a solution to resolve it?

Also, can you share me the .c file for noto sans regular ttf file.
The C file of noto sans regular ttf is generated by Embedded Wizard Studio in case that you are using this font within your GUI project and you are using a Platform Package with True Type Font Engine support (e.g. Renesas.RX_TTFE.RGB565).

Please check the folder where the generated code is stored.

Concerning the error reported by FreeType font engine: What error message or error code do you get?

Does it work with other fonts?
Thanks Manfred for your help.

We were able to get the TTFE Font Engine working with for our product.

I had to make some compiler flag related changes and reduce the code size in order to get the TTFE Platform package working with our embedded Wizard Project Application.

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