in GUI Development by
i am currently using  extended virtual keyboard

i need to resize the related character and preview button , how we able to resize the same and preview button.

1 Answer

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Hi mvg,

you can resize the ButtonPreview directly inside the composer inside ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::Keyboard.

The related characters can be resized inside ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::RelatedCharacters.generateButtons() there set the size after the creation of the button like:

btn.Bounds.size = <40,50>; // width and height in pixel

also adopt how the related characters component is positioned inside ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::RelatedCharacters.onButtonsChange e.g.:

  // Check if there is a second row of characters. If true then position the related 
  // characters preview one row above
  if ( String.length > buttonPerRow )
    Bounds.origin.y = SourceButton.Bounds.y1 - 2 * /*height of button*/50 + KeyboardOriginY - Padding;
    Bounds.origin.y = SourceButton.Bounds.y1 - /*height of button*/50 + KeyboardOriginY - Padding;



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