in Getting started by

Getting this error when I try to make the helloworld app or deviceintegration apps.

I'm thinking that V1.15.0 sm32cube_FW_F4 directory structure is a little different, since otm8009a and such are not in the "common" folder but in the directory above.
so i tried relocating the folder but didn't make a difference so maybe this isn't right.


any ideas?

1 Answer

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the current STM32F469 Build Environment is already prepared (and tested) for STM32CubeF4 firmware V1.15.0 - any changes within the file structure should be avoided.

The screenshot of your question refers to the sample 'DeviceIntegration' - what about the starting example 'HelloWorld' as it is written within the Getting Started docuemt: Can you compile / link / download this one?

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