in Embedded Wizard Studio by

I wanted to know few things about Embedded Wizard Studio for easy navigation point of view:

1. Is there any way on Embedded Wizard Studio code editor through which we can enable linking of methods and components from within Chora code? (For example, if I press Ctrl and click on a called method, IDE takes me to that method)

2. Do we have VS Code extensions for Chora till now? If yes, how can we get it? If no, is there any way I can utilize the IntelliSense feature while I am writing my Chora code on VS Code editor? ( I am trying to use another editor so that I can get a complete view of code (classes) in Chora which for me is more readable, but there I don't get IntelliSense. )


Thanking in advance!

1 Answer

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Hello devendraPatil312,

let me answer your questions:

1. Is there any way on Embedded Wizard Studio code editor through which we can enable linking of methods and components from within Chora code? (For example, if I press Ctrl and click on a called method, IDE takes me to that method)

No, such functionality is not available.

2. Do we have VS Code extensions for Chora till now? If yes, how can we get it? If no, is there any way I can utilize the IntelliSense feature while I am writing my Chora code on VS Code editor? ( I am trying to use another editor so that I can get a complete view of code (classes) in Chora which for me is more readable, but there I don't get IntelliSense. )

No, such extensions are not available.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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