in Getting started by
Hello, I'm doing a project for school, and I thought it would be a good idea to use a raspberry pi with a touch screen to change values in Firebase, to interact with the rest of my project. I would like to know if it is possible and if it is not very difficult since I don't have much experience in programming. it doesn't need to be more than push buttons and receive some data such as temperature or state of lights.
Thanks for your time.

Sorry for my english.

1 Answer

+1 vote


of course, it is possible to create a GUI application for Raspberry Pi with Embedded Wizard - and implement an access to Google Firebase by using the corresponding programming interface (API).

In any case, it is a software development and you need some programming experience. Let me recommend to use our Getting Started with Raspberry Pi and to check the example Device Integration. Instead of using WiringPi to access a button and a LED you have to integrate your Firebase API to read and write data.

Best regards,


Thanks for the answer.

I already have coded a ESP8266 to interact with Firebase(C++). I can make my code in C++ for Embedded Wizard? Sorry if it is a stupid question. But I'm used to work with Arduino library that make things a lot more easier.

Yes, you can integrate your C/C++ code. Have you seen the example "Device Integration" that is provided within the set of examples in the Build Environment for Raspberry Pi 3? It is located in the subdirectory /Examples/DeviceIntegration and shows the basics about starting a certain action from the GUI and updating the GUI from the underlying system. It is intended to serve as template for your own developments.

Your own C files have to be added to the makefile in order to compile them together with the GUI application and other software packages. 

Furthermore, let me refer to the articles Integrating with the device and Implementing a Device Interface, both are part of our online documentation. They explain all basics about natvie code and the integration of external software APIs or hardware drivers.

I hope this helps...

Best regards,


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