in GUI Development by
Is it possible to reference a bitmap that is present on the computer that is running the Embedded Wizard Studio (beyond those provided as part of EW Studio) for use as an Image View or Bitmap Resource instead of using the External Bitmap approach?  The images are known at design time, and I have no need to access the image at run-time.


Thank you.

1 Answer

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Hello RichK,

I'm not sure whether I understand your question. In Embedded Wizard, static bitmaps are represented by Bitmap Resources. In turn, bitmap contents, which are unknown at the code generation time (possibly static too, but unknown) can be integrated using Extern Bitmap and the corresponding interface Extern Bitmap interface.

The images are known at design time, and I have no need to access the image at run-time.

In such case, simply add the images to the project as Bitmap Resources.

Does it help you further?

Best regards

Paul Banach

I initially started with using an External Bitmap, but while in the EW Studio, I got the "ewLoadExternBitmap" unknown method error when I tried to supply the path to the locally stored bitmap that I wanted to use.  So I figured maybe I am not using the right approach, since I am not trying to resolve the bitmap at run-time.  I was thinking maybe I could point to this custom bitmap and refer to or point to it just like the bitmap resources that are already provided in the Studio.

But the built-in bitmap resources seem to be referred to by their resource name and frame number, and I need to refer to the bitmap by its path on the filesystem.

Hopefully I'm explaining it better.


The Bitmap resources contain the attribute FileName where you can enter the path to an image file (e.g. PNG) existing on your development system. Or, much more easy, you simply Drag & Drop the image file into a Unit.

See the chapter Bitmap Resource for more details. Also the chapter Quick Tour provides in its very first sections an overview how images are used.

I hope it helps you.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Sorry, I failed to notice that a bitmap resource had to be added in at the "unit" level.  I understand now.

Thank you.

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