in GUI Development by

Hello Team,

We are using IMXRT1170 with Embedded Wizard Platform Package for NXP iMX_RT_VGLite V11.00. Our display resolution is 800x480.

In the below example there is an arc path and a small line (image) placed over it. We have the same use case in our project and whenever there is an update in the arc path, it over writes the line i.e., the line appears behind the arc even when the stacking priority of the line is higher and it is on top of the arc. This is observed only in the target HW and not in simulation. Can you please let us know the reason and how we can address this issue



       Simulation image                                   Target image






1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Kavya,

can you verify the console outputs for eventual error messages or runtime warnings when running the application in the target?

Best regards

Paul Banach
Hello Paul,

EMWI ERROR: code: 3 - is thrown, which is out of memory error
Hello Kavya,

I confirm, error 3 indicates 'Out of Memory' during memory allocation for a new string. Can you please provide us following information?

* The complete console outputs from the start of the application in the target system till the error message.

* How much RAM is associated (available) for the GUI application?

* Does the error occur immediately at the first time when the affected screen contents are redrawn or later?

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hello Paul,

* Please find the console output here : https://ask.embedded-wizard.de/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=9040521249803537351

* 6 MB RAM is available for GUI

* Error occurs ~9 mins after the contents are loaded and error is thrown continuously after that




Hello Kavya,

that means, the application is working well at the beginning and the screen composition with the arc and the image is displayed correctly? The error occurs later. Right? 

If this is the case, it indicates a memory leak. Such leaks can occur when the application, e.g. continues creating and presenting instances of GUI components. I would thus recommend to try following:

1. In the target system enable Monitoring the Data Memory (RAM) usage. Run the application and observe the RAM usage. Is it high from the beginning or does it increase?

2. If you have the impression that the application consumes more and more RAM, you can run the application in Embedded Wizard Studio and open the Memory (RAM) Usage window. Unlike option 1 above, the window provides more details concerning what entities (e.g. objects of which classes) occupy the memory.

I hope it helps us to narrow down the cause of the problem.

Best regards


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