in Getting started by

I am following the instructions to run the simple 'Hello World' demo found at the PSoC 62 Getting Started link:  https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/getting-started-psoc-62s2?v=11.00

I build and program without issues, but when the program runs, I see only white backlight and no 'Hello World" graphics.  The TFT panel works for other graphic code examples found in ModusToolbox, so I know there is not an issue with TFT connection.  What could be the issue?


1 Answer

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Hi Scott,

can you please check that the hardware is the same as mentioned in our Getting Started article - and please double check that you are using the suitable display connection: The Build Environment for PSoC 62S2 supports two different display connections, which can be configured within ewconfig.h.

If the display setting is correct, please check also the console output. Are there any error messages? You can post the entire log message from beginning.

Best regards,



I have the recommended kits.  However, I didn't do the LCD optimization step in the instructions as I thought that might be optional based on these steps follow your console output and if I only want to improve performance.   My console steps hang on LCD initialization and if I step through in debug, I see that it hangs when it gets to the scheduler.  I also see that the program builds without errors, but that is not the case when I see two error problems in the Problems tab.  


Hi Scott,

thank you very much for your feedback and the further analysis. I just tried to rebuild the Hello World application according to our Getting Started documentation and I am able to reproduce the same issue on my PSoC 62S2 development board.

After updating to the latest SDK by using the ModusToolbox Library Manager, the application can be compiled and linked but the application hangs as described in your comment.

We have to figure out the reason for that. Maybe you have some ideas what SDK changes could have an impact to the GUI initialization.

Best regards,

I don't work on the SDK team to know what changes were made.  I noticed in the Library Manager that the  "display-tft-st7789v" library was unchecked.  I enabled the library, but it didn't make a difference for the result.  How are you driving the panel?

I also faced the same issue and was getting the error "Error: FreeRTOS: uxTopUsedPriority is not defined, consult the OpenOCD manual for a work-around".

I updated the freertos version to latest 10.X release using the library manager in ModusToolBox. Now the example runs fine and get the output as mentioned in the Getting started with Infineon: PSoC 62S2 Wi-Fi BT Pioneer Kit guide.

Hello sanjeev,

thanks a lot for your investigations and sharing the solution.

I can confirm that updating FreeRTOS to latest version within Modus Toolbox did the trick. Now, all GUI examples can be build and executed on PSoC 62S2 as expected.

Best regards,

That worked.  Thanks!

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