Hi Ramesh,
please also do not separate the languages by blankes. In this case "Simplified Chinese".
Than I see a lot of blanks at your strings-ids like: "Date _of_birth", " Mandatory_fields"
"24-hr-Format" does not work because the "-" is not supported and the string-id is not allowed to start with a number.
I have not checked further, but I assume that there are more non-loadable string-ids in.
EmWi gives you a hint where they are at the end of the error message.
EmbeddedWizard\Strings.ewu (29:14) : Delimiter '=' expected.
This means the error is located inside Strings.ewu at line 29. Open this file inside a texteditor and you will find there the strings-id thats not loadable. You can than fix it inside the strings.xls.
In general, if you are using only the characters [a-z], [A-Z] and digits for your string-ids you should be good.