in Platform Packages by

when developing an intrinisc module I recognized, that the "ewrte.h" has far less functionality than the same header, used in the plattform package. For example UTF8 conversion and handling functions are not available in the intrinsic module. Is there a reason, why those functions are missing? Will the  "ewrte.h" be updated in the near future?

Best regards Jonas

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Hello JK,

during prototyping the Runtime Environment is fundamentally different from what is used in the target system. In fact both versions have nothing in common. Only few functions indispensable to create and deal with Chora basic data types are reimplemented in the intrinsics version of ewrte.h to enable at all an integration of C code with the Prototyping environment. Most of the remaining functionality can't be used in intrinsics. For example Chora objects are managed in completely different manner in the Prototyper so creating and accessing them from an intrinsic is not possible.

We are aware of the ewrte.h limitation. In version 12 we will rework the API and make the creation of intrinsics more convenient. We will also add few functions to the ewrte.h version used by intrinsics and improve the integration with the Graphics Engine. This includes also functions for the UTF8 conversion.

For the moment I would recommend you to check whether Win32 functions can be used for the desired UTF8 conversion or reimplement the missing functionality if this is not the case.

Best regards

Paul Banach


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