in GUI Development by
Is there any built-in LED of RPi-4B that I can toggle using the Inline Native Code

The DeviceDriver.h has this defined, I connected LED on gpio 0 but its not turning on or off;
#define LED_GPIO 0

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Please see the section Accessing Hardware GPIOs - have you tried that? If there is something not working - what have you tried so far?

Please try to follow one discussion thread and do not open / comment similar discussions again and again.

Best regards,




I have tried to run Device Integration Example. Facing this error while running the command make


Please download and install the WiringPi library first before trying to build the binary of the example. 


tried using command 

sudo apt-get install wiringpi


unfortunately, the library WiringPi is deprecated and no more available for download within Raspbian OS.

We have now changed our Build Environment for RasPi-4B to use the GPIO library pigpio instead.

Please download the entire Build Environment once again and follow the instructions in the section Accessing Hardware GPIOs.

Best regards,


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