in Platform Packages by
Hi Team,

we are using the Platform Package with TTFE for STM32 Mikrocontrollers. The Heap allocation in the example Project is done with standart library functions.

As we are using FreeRTOS i was trying to avoid this. Looking into the memory Manager I´ve found some Funktions for Memory allocation in the ewextttf file.

Here the Embedded Wizard Memory Manager is used. Excluding the ftsystem.c from build and adapting the Free Type Config using the define FT_CONFIG_OPTION_DISABLE_STREAM_SUPPORT results in a functioning project using memory allocation from Embedded Wizard.

Could the use of the  EW Memory Manager out of Free Type lead to problems?

Is it a problem if the Straming option is disabled?

Why is the streaming support in the Platform Package enabled and why are the standard library functions used?

We are using Embedded Wizard Version 11 and IAR Embedded Workbench.

Best regards


1 Answer

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Hello Sascha,

Could the use of the  EW Memory Manager out of Free Type lead to problems?

It should not be a problem. As long as the FreeType engine is not used in context of foreign threads/tasks, the Embedded Wizard own heap manager can be used as any other heap manager. Please note, depending on where the TTF file contents are stored, FreeType may require to copy the entire TTF file into RAM in worst case. The heap has to be large enough for this application case.

Is it a problem if the Straming option is disabled?

I would recommend to post this question in a FreeType forum. We don't provide technical support for FreeType engine.

Why is the streaming support in the Platform Package enabled and why are the standard library functions used?

The integration with FreeType is just an example where the default configuration is used. We don't distribute nor provide technical support for the FreeType engine.

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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