1 Answer

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Hello Sahili,

if you have a font designed in the style of 7-segment digits, then you can configure the Value Display to use such font. See following sections for more details:

Customize your own Value Display

Specify the font and colors for the Value Display's value text

Alternative approach would be to prepare a bitmap with images of the 7-segment digits. Then you compose the numbers by displaying the bitmaps. With this approach, however, you will need to implement you own Value Display component. Such application case is demonstrated in the example project Clock:


I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach


Hello Paul,

Thank you for answers. But I have 7 segment font file downloaded with extension (.woff and .ttf). So how I can add in embedded wizard ?

Because Value Display config --> UnitFont Property --> shows the option which are inbulit in Assets (Unit Application).

So how I can add the specified font file in Unit Application?




Fonts are represented by so-called Font Resources. Please note, that only TrueType fonts are supported. In practice:

Step 1: Install the TrueType font on Windows system.

Alternative you can copy the TrueType file (TTF file) to the directory of your Embedded Wizard project. Next time, when you open the project in Embedded Wizard Studio, the TrueType font is installed temporarily in Windows system.

Step 2: Add to your project a new Font Resource.

Step 3: Configure the font resource to use the previously installed TrueType font.

Step 4: Use the font resource in your project e.g. to customize the Value Display widget.

Thank you Mr. Banach. Your  specified steps helped me to get 7 segment display font :)

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