in System Integration by


i have an IAR project for which i shoulddesign a GUI with Embedded Wizard. The target platform is STM32F429.

i have already downloaded the packages for this board, and built an example project which gives me an IAR Workspace file.

However, i don´t really understand how the resulting files are linked to each other and how to combine this with my original project. 

For the IAR integration, i only found thin section here Getting started with STM MCUs: STM32F429 Evalboard (embedded-wizard.de)

Another question is, i designed an own test GUI and tried to build it. i chose the same settings as in the example project. But the compiler gives me the error message:

[16.8.2022 10:12:55] Information : Generating code for the profile 'Profile' ...
[16.8.2022 10:12:56] Information : Deleting outdated files ...
[16.8.2022 10:12:56] Information C:\Users\AFUCHS\OneDrive - Xylem, Inc\Dokumente\Application\GeneratedCode\build_report.html : The code generation report including an estimation of memory (flash) usage has been stored in the file 'build_report.html' within the output directory. You can double click on this message to see this report.
[16.8.2022 10:12:56] Information Profile.PostProcess (1:1) : Launching external post process '..\..\STM-EWARM\EWARM_ew_post_process.cmd' ...
[16.8.2022 10:12:56] Information : "ERROR: The requested color format RGB565 is not supported for this platform"
[16.8.2022 10:12:56] Fatal error Profile.PostProcess (1:1) : The post process 'EWARM_ew_post_process.cmd' has finished with the exit code '1'.

do you have any ideas?

Thank you and best regards, Anna

1 Answer

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Hello Anna,

let me recommend to get first Embedded Wizard GUI examples up and running with the IAR toolchain and try to combine that with your existing software in a second step.

In principle, all provided examples are tested very well with all supported toolchains including IAR.

The error message sounds somehow strange - I assume it is because of the path "C:\Users\AFUCHS\OneDrive - Xylem, Inc\Dokumente\Application\" - some tools have certain issues with long paths and with special characters like ',' in the path.

Just try to use a simple path - at least for testing.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,


Guten Tag,

danke fuer die Antwort! Mit einem Beispielprojekt funktioniert das Kompilieren.

Nun versuche ich, das Embedded Wizard Beispielprojekt und unser eigenes Projekt zusammenzufuegen. Dabei taucht jedoch das Problem auf, dass vom Embedded Wizard entsprechende Funktionen auf HAL-Ebene geliefert werden, die in unserem eigenen Projekt bereits implementiert sind. Dadurch erscheinen einige Fehlermeldungen, z.B.

    Error[Li006]: duplicate definitions for "HAL_LTDC_LineEventCallback"; in "C:\Users\AFUCHS\OneDrive - Xylem, Inc\Dokumente\bitbucket\ecotouch_commoncode\Output\EcoTouch 6\Object\EW_HMI\TargetSpecific\ew_bsp_display.o", and "C:\Users\AFUCHS\OneDrive - Xylem, Inc\Dokumente\bitbucket\ecotouch_commoncode\Output\EcoTouch 6\Object\Middlewares\STemWin\Config\LCDConf_Winstar_WF50BTIAGDNTO#.o"            

Von diesen doppelten Definitionen gibt es einige. Wie kann dieser Konflikt geloest werden? Waere es sinnvoll, die Display Treiber aus unserem eigenen Projekt zu entfernen? Wird diese Funktionalitaet von Embedded Wizard bereits umgesetzt?

Danke und viele Grueße, Anna Fuchs
Hello Anna,

please note, that all the files within the folder /TargetSpecific are not part of Embedded Wizard Graphics Engine or Runtime Environemnt (which are located in /PlatormPackage) -  all these files are just for convenience to get an Embedded Wizard GUI application up and running on a dedicated target.

In case you have your own project or your own custom specific hardware, you need to adapt that according your display settings, timings, etc.

If you have conflicts due to double HAL_LTDC defines or callbacks, you have currently included two display drivers in your project. If you are still working on the STM32F429-Evalboard, you can keep the files from /TargetSpecific and remove the additional display driver from your existing project.

Concerning the PostProcess: This is only needed in case you are using our project template and you want to change between different color formats and/or screen orientation. In this case the PostProcess adapts the IAR project to use the adequate libraries and includes. In case you have your own IAR project, there is no need to use the PostProcess within the GUI project. It is just for convenience to experiment with different settings.

Best regards,


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