in Platform Packages by

My profile configuration is:

PlatformPackage: Generic.Software_TTFE.RGBA8888

FontConversion: FreeType

My version is EW11,I have copied the font file(NotoSansArabicUI-SemiCondensedBold.ttf) to my project directory,Then I created a new font resource in my EW project. My Font Resources Attribute is:

FontName: Noto Sans Arabic UI Smcn


But, when running,it will report an error,the error content is:

The prototyper can not convert the font resource 'Application::FontArabic'.The necessary TrueType font ' Noto Sans Arabic UI Smcn' is not available or 'Noto Sans Arabic UI Smcn' is not a TrueTypefont.

I can confirm that my computer has this font installed. my computer version is windows11.


I would be grateful if you could answer my question

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello ruler.he,

possibly, the font has different names and EW can't find it under the name "Noto Sans Arabic UI Smcn". To give you a more profund analysis I would need to test the font. Can you upload it here in the forum incl. a small Embedded Wizard project demonstrating the issue?

Best regards

Paul Banach

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