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How to create list of queue in Embedded Wizard

Thanks & Regards.

1 Answer

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Hello Manvitha,

I don't understand your question. Please explain more in detail what do you try to achieve.

Best regards

Paul Banach
Hi Paul

We need to take menu items in queue so I'm unable to find any queue variables in wizard.

Explain me how to create queue with n number of  menu items.


Hello Manvitha,

for me it is still not clear what do you mean with 'take menu items in queue'. Do you want to create a large menu with a lot of menu items so the user can scroll the menu content? Or do you want the items to be added to (removed from) the menu dynamically?

Regarding 'queue variables', do you mean a kind of array or list to store data?

Best regards


queue means like variables storing in the list
as you said we want the items to be added to insert and remove from the menu dynamically

Have you already implemented a Menu component? If yes, have you created it by using the provided Menu component templates (see also generic code for multiple menu items)?

If yes, to dynamically add/remove items from the menu, you add/remove the corresponding item objects to/from the menu object. The menu then automatically updates the appearance. To add/remove the objects you use the methods Add() and Remove().

queue means like variables storing in the list 

I'm sorry, but it is still not clear for me what do you mean or what relation does the list/queue (?) have with the menu system.

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