in Embedded Wizard Studio by

We are using Embedded Wizard Pro version 11.00 with RGB565 platform package. As per our understanding, Embedded Wizard generates bitmaps out of font files using Bitmap font engine.

We have 3 different font files for the same font family which contains Bold, Italic & Regular versions. Instead of using those 3 different fonts, is there any benefit in memory footprint if we use one font with different attributes: Bold, Italic & Regular?

Based on our understanding are there different bitmaps generated for different styles or the same bitmaps are converted at runtime? Can you please clarify how the memory calculation is done internally based on font usage.

Background of this question: Our customer already has a lot of different fonts and we want to check what is the best suitable way to bring it in target and also to not exceed our RAM/ROM with these.


Thank you,


1 Answer

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Hello Kavya,

We have 3 different font files for the same font family which contains Bold, Italic & Regular versions. Instead of using those 3 different fonts, is there any benefit in memory footprint if we use one font with different attributes: Bold, Italic & Regular? 

There is no benefit. The resulting code will contain three different fonts (bold, italic and regular).

Based on our understanding are there different bitmaps generated for different styles or the same bitmaps are converted at runtime? Can you please clarify how the memory calculation is done internally based on font usage.

The font conversion and the rasterizing of glyphs (as bitmaps) is performed at the code generation time. If you have three different font resources in your project, consequently three sets of glyphs (=bitmaps) are generated.

Background of this question: Our customer already has a lot of different fonts and we want to check what is the best suitable way to bring it in target and also to not exceed our RAM/ROM with these.

Per default Embedded Wizard converts the fonts (rasterizes the glyphs) at the code generation time. This is useful for the low-end target systems. Powerful targets can use a TrueType engine. In such case the font conversion is performed at the runtime just in the moment when a glyph is required. The usage of TrueType engine expects a dedicated version of Platform Package. See also Project members: Font resource.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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