in Getting started by
Hi Embedded Wizard team,

I have followed the steps of the guide https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/getting-started-mimxrt1050-evk to program an IMXRT1050-EVKB  with the MCUXpresso, I use the examples from the IMXRT1050-EVK folder but when I set the PostProcess I get an error from the .cmd file, looking in the ask a question forum I found that in the past you had some problems when the name of the build environment contains spaces, but is not my case, do you know if there something else that could happening?

Aditionaly do you have a guide with an alternate process to use MCUXpresso and Embedded Wizzard?

thanks in advance

1 Answer

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Hi JoseGR,

can you please describe which error message do you get from the post process?
Can you please also provide us the Powershell version you are using?
You can get the version information by following command on the Windows command line (CMD):
powershell -Command "$PSVersionTable.PSVersion"


Hi martin, 

I include the error and the Powershell 


Hi JoseGR,

ok, PowerShell version and the call of the post process seems to be fine.
I assume, that you are using the unchanged 'IMXRT1050-EVK' build environment.

To find out the root cause, we need further information.
Please do following steps:

  • add following line at the beginning of 'MCUXpresso_ew_post_process.cmd':
    set > env.txt
  • generate the code in Embedded Wizard Studio ('Build this profile (F8)')
    --> you will get a new file 'env.txt' within the folder containing the Embedded Wizard project file
  • add all the lines beginning with 'EmWi_' in 'env.txt' at the beginning of 'MCUXpresso_ew_post_process.cmd' (instead of 'set > env.txt') and prepend a 'set ' on each line.
    e. g. 
    set EmWi_Version=11.00
    set EmWi_Profile=iMX_RT
  • open a CMD window, change to the folder '\IMXRT1050-EVK\Application\Project\MCUXpresso\IMXRT1050-EVK' and call MCUXpresso_ew_post_process.cmd
  • I assume. that some Powershell errors will occur.
  • Please provide these errors (or at least the first few messages)

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