in GUI Development by
I am working with the preconstructed Charts::Graph object with the Tara.WebGL.RGBA8888 Platform Package on EW 9.30. The Graph Object is peculiarly defaulted to the 8x8DotBitmap and 7x100LineBitmap for their respective bitmaps. I am using an external bitmap which I specify in the properties of the Graph object. This works fine, however the compiled Charts.js file has an initialization function which calls for the default bitmap. Of course, I have not included these default bitmaps as they are unutilized, so I have a file error thrown. The graph still functions as it does not make use of the assets but I would prefer to avoid this error without having the modified the charts.js file manually on each build. I have tried to make a copy of the class and a variant and override them their to no avail. How can I override the defaults of this object given that it is a mosaic framework object? Please let me know.


Thank you,


1 Answer

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Hello Liam,

I have tried to make a copy of the class and a variant and override them their to no avail. How can I override the defaults of this object given that it is a mosaic framework object? Please let me know.

I think, this will not work. The mentioned default bitmaps are referenced in the original Graph class. This reference can't be removed retrospectively without editing the class.

I would prefer to avoid this error without having the modified the charts.js file manually on each build.

The simplest would be to include the both image files. The error should then disappear.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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