in Platform Packages by

I'm trying to evaluate Embedded Wizard and it looks really promising. Now I want to try it out on our hardware (android, OPi, etc) but the evaluation version of EW only contains Win32 profiles.

In other questions they menion 'Generic Platform Packages'. Where can I browse these packages? Are there also specific platform packages? (I guess so since I see a ton of brand logos on the main page.) Where can I browse those?

What we specifically need is a profile for:

  • Orange Pi One/Zero (igorpecovnik's Armbian Ubuntu Xenial) with Java code generator
  • Android Kitkat with Java code generator
  • iOS

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Thanks for your interest and your feedback.

As you already mentioned, the Evaluation Edition of Embedded Wizard is able to create code for Win32 - so you can build your own Windows executable.

Furthermore, we provide a couple of so called Build Environments and Evaluation Platform Packages, so that you can evaluate and test your own GUIs on different popular targets. In this case, we provide libraries in order to protect our IP.

The so called 'Generic Platform Package' is a Platform Package that is prepared for one color format and contains all drawing operations with well-optimized software functions. Thus, it can be easily integrated into your target system by just implementing a few interface functions to the graphics subsystem and to the C library or the operating system running in your target. Since this package has to be delivered in source code (in order to use it on your target, with your compiler and linker) we can not offer an evaluation version of that.

For iOS and Android we have specific Platform Packages using Open GL ES 2.0 as graphics API - so far we do not have evaluation packages. Same situation is for WebGL/Javascript.

Maybe, in your case, the Raspberry Pi would be a good environment for evaluation. 



Thanks for your explaination. The email I got when I 'registered' contained this message that I didn't understand, so I ignored it partly, but only after your explaination it now makes sense. "Unfortunately we cannot offer you an Embedded Wizard evaluation package for your desired embedded system yet! However, to get a first impression of Embedded Wizard's workflow and usage, please download the Evaluation Edition as mentioned above." I think there's room for improvement there. Also, to get the raspberry package, I had to 'register' again, so in the end it is not 'registring' at all. (I also thought it was strange that I never received or had to enter a password. That's something every registration requires.)

Is it possible (either in evaluation or licensed mode) to build an EW project to Java code so I can implement the GUI in EW and use the translated GUI to interface with business logic in a platform independent way?
So far we have Code Generators for Javascript (in case of WebGL) and ANSI-C in all other cases - there is no Code Generatpr for Java.

For Android we are using the NDK to compile the generated code.

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