in GUI Development by
How to create UI for UART communication for STM32F769I Discovery board? Means I want to print the data what I am getting in Rx pin continuously in UI, which pins i have to use and how to create gui for that

1 Answer

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let me refer to the example 'DeviceIntegration' that you will find within the subdirectory /Examples of the Build Environment for STM32F769-Discovery. This example shows the integration of devices into a UI application.

The GUI implementation for presenting the data received via UART depends completely on your requirements and design ideas. Let me refer to our online documentation to get familiar with Embedded Wizard, e.g. the Quick Tour tutorial.

Best regards,




the interface is just sending one received character after the other.

In order to build a string, you have to concatenate every received character to the string of already received characters.

The code snippet in my example shows that.

Best regards,


I want to do uart communication as above, but it says to use workerthread to do uart communication.

Then EW_USE_OPERATING_SYSTEM == 1 Is it correct to use gui_thread by changing this part to EW_USE_OPERATING_SYSTEM == 0?
There is a function called AdcWorkerThread() in DeviceDriver.C file. Instead of  AdcWorkerThread(), You need to implement UartWokerThread(). In the above answer, Manfred has given the Code Snippets, follow it step by step. You will get
Hello, rangsons.

What if i want to use this out of device driver example?

What is calling the UartWokerThread()?

see comment above

you can help this problem

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