in GUI Development by
When I try to save my UI project, I get the following error message within the Log window:

'Fatal error Core : The saving of the unit 'Core' is failed.';

How to solve this?

2 Answers

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The reason is the write protection of the Mosaic *.EWU files. To solve this problem, close the project without saving the Mosaic units. After loading the project again, the problem is solved.

The Mosaic unit files are located in the subfolder ‘Mosaic’ of your Embedded Wizard installation directory. If you have deactivated the write protection for a Mosaic unit *.EWU file and saved your project, the modified Mosaic unit is stored with your changes. Then you need either to copy the original file from another PC or reinstall the Embedded Wizard Software.

Please avoid any modification within the Mosaic class library!

0 votes
Changing the Mosaic classes shall be avoided as far as possible. If you need any modification within the base behaviour of the Mosaic classes, you can create a variant of this class within your project and set variant condition to 'true'. Within this variant you can overwrite the implementation. Using variants allows you to keep all classes derived from the Mosaic classes untouched.
Please note that with a new version of Embedded Wizard the internat implementation of Mosaic classes can change!

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