in GUI Development by
How to initialize ADC Pins to get Adc values. I have already initialized Adc Pins in stm32f769i_discovery.c file where the pins are initialized for led and other functions. But it is not getting initialized. Can someone help me.

1 Answer

+1 vote

have you searched through the examples from ST that are provided within the STM32 Cube firmware tree - I think there should be also some examples covering ADC functionality. Otherwise, let me recommend to check the ST developer forum.

Here we are focused on GUI development with Embedded Wizard.

Best regards,

No, Actually i did not added this function in my device integration example. Can you tell where should i include this HAL_ADC_MspInit() function?.
As you have a working example, please make sure to have the same initialization and initialization order when you move the ADC part from the ST example to the GUI example. Then it should work in the same manner....
Hi Manfred

HAL_ADC_MspInit(), i called this function before the Adc Initialization. It is working fine. Thanks for suggestion.
Hi Manfred

I am printing a received and converted Adc value in board display but it is printing with 6 decimal values. I just want to print only 3 decimal values in the display, Means I am getting 3.4116378 this number and printing as it is but I just need only 3.416 to display. How can i do it?


it depends on what you want to do....

For example, if you want to display a voltage from 0.000 V .... 9.999 V, you can transfer the data in Millivolt (0.... 9999) as integer and use a Value Display widget.

Btw: For a new topic that is no more related to 'ADC initialization', please open a new question (with detailed description).

Best regards,


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