in Getting started by
after executing make install nothing is displayed on the screen.

HelloWorld Example

green red led flashes and it is deployed

1 Answer

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can you please check the board revision that you are using and let me know?

I assume you have one of the latest board revision of the STM32F769 Discovery board with changed hardware components (due to chip shortage). We are working on that topic.

Best regards,


Hi Manfred,

this is what i got:


Hi Philipp,

ok - this issue is not related to the DSI display - now we have some troubles with the touch device on STM32F469 Discovery board.

Let me try to organize a board with the latest hardware revision to check what is going on. I will keep you informed.

Additional remark: I just noticed that the Build Environment for STM32F469 Discovery only supports MB1189 B-01 and MB1189 B-02:

Anyhow, I will try to get a MB1189 B-08 and see what is going wrong.

Best regards,

Hi Manfred,

thank you very much for your efforts. I will wait for your update.

Best regards,


Hi Philipp,

good news: Meanwhile I got a revision C board of the STM32F469 Discovery board and I could reproduce the reported issue.

Please update the Build Environment (version and try once more. The following packages are updated:

Please let us know if it works.

Best regards,


Hi Manfred,

i just tested the new version. It works perfect! Thanks a lot for the fast support!

Best regards,


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