in Embedded Wizard Studio by

How to repeat the Gauge movement in a Loop. I have designed a gauge to move from 0 to 100 scale. Here I want it to move back & forth continuously like from 0 to 100 and 100 to 0. 

I have tried with int32effect as mentioned below but not working. 

In this above image outlet property whether I should select any one over those options/not. Could you please help me with this.

1 Answer

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In this above image outlet property whether I should select any one over those options/not. Could you please help me with this.

it is not necessary to configure the Outlet property of the Gauge. Leave this property initialized with null.

What is important, is the Outlet property of the Effect object. But from the screenshot I see that the configuration of the Effect object is already correct. The effect is connected with the CurrentValue property of the Gauge. It should work so far. Of course you have to start the Prototyper to bring it alive by pressing the key F5.

However, I noticed that there is no needle in the Gauge. The Gauge displays only a red scale. Or do you plan the Gauge to display only a track without the needle? In any case, can you verify the configuration object associated to the Gauge? Whether the Gauge is working correctly can be tested easily. Just click on the Gauge in the Composer (to select it) and then in Inspector look for its property CurrentValue. Now, you can modify this value in Inspector. You can enter, e.g. 10. Thereupon the Gauge should update its appearance and move the needle (or adjust the length of the track) to correspond to the value 10. Does the Gauge work as expected?

Best regards

Paul Banach


do you plan the Gauge to display only a track without the needle?

Yes, Iam using only the Gauge track without the needle 
And As per above image I need to synchronize the track with the numerical value.
And I need the gauge track to move from 0 to 100 and 100 to 0 continuously in a loop.


Hello Nandini Rao M,

in such case see the thread How to change the color of Track in a gauge for different values. Possibly it contains some hint for your application case.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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