in Getting started by
I am using STM32H747BIT6 for LCD (800x480)

Your sample code is for STM32H747-Discovery with DSI

I want to use LTDC 24pins.

Can I get the sample code for LTDC with your Embedded Wizard?

and can you explain how to do to use LTDC port with your sample code or embedded wizard?

thank you.

1 Answer

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let me refer to the section Custom specific hardware within the document Getting Started with STM32H747 Discovery - it contains some hints about the necessary adaptations.

Due to the fact that you want to use the LTDC instead of the DSI, let me recommend to have a look to the Build Environment for STM32H745-Discovery and use that as template instead (at least you can use the display initialization from there).

I hope this helps.

Best regards,


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