in GUI Development by

Why my font looks cutted on the bottom side? is a font resouce from the pc , do i miss some alignement or formatting?                                                      


1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Riccardo,

difficult to say with the provided information. What Font (including the font attributes) are you using? Does the selection frame represent the text view - or is the text view embedded into another component?

Best regards,


in the Application Unit 




in the Gui 


I just downloaded the "Gloss And Bloom" font and tried an example with different font settings, strings, etc. And it works fine...

Do you see the same/similar issue with other fonts?

Which version of Embedded Wizard are you using?

Can you upload a small example?

Best regards,

I tried the font with other text editor.... looks like the font installed is the problem because it behaves in the same manner.

Thanks for the reply.

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