in Getting started by

I have installed required tools as mentioned in document to build GUI and flash the same on STM32F7 discovery board. Followed the vedio "Create a GUI application from scratch with Embedded Wizard". I could able to generate code. The problem now is while compiling the code facing error as "ewfiles.inc is missing":

Request your help to proceed further with my discovery board.

1 Answer

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The error message indicates that 'make' does not find the generated code.

Please open the project HelloWorld.ewp with your Embedded Wizard Studio and generate code.

All steps to get your first application up and running on the STM32F769 Discovery board are described here.

Thank you for the hint. I had set the correct path. I am able to create binary file.

When I connect to the discovery board with USB cable exisiting software up and able see display. But when I do make install , it says no target connected , unable to connect to ST-Link.

I tried connecting ST debugger to another our f3 product and I am able to flash binary file.


There is no possibility i could find to connect ST debugger. Can you please help me to flash binary file into STM32F7 board.


Thank you,
Can you flash the binary by using directly the ST-Link utility?

What is the error message when you open the console via StartBuildEnvironment.bat?

What is the error message when you type 'make install'?

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