in Embedded Wizard Studio by

I want to ask if there is any simple way to save the current frame buffer (Bitmap available inside EwUpdate) as a bmp file in the hard drive or file system?

I just have to make some screen shots for the documentation!

Best Regards,

Mariam Sohail

1 Answer

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Hi Mariam,

if the images should be captured for documentation purposes, there are different solutions possible.

The easiest: You run the application in the Prototyper and capture the content by Windows screenshot functions or by using some more comfortable tools like e.g. 'Greenshot' (which I prefer for preparing screenshots for our online documentation).

If you want to get images from the target, you have to get access to the currently visible framebuffer and you have to hook into the screen update. Please have a look to this answer. Within the DumpFramebuffer() function you can add your own bitmap to file writer - depending on your target system and the desired format.

Does this help?

Best regards,


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