in Getting started by
Hi there.

I'm looking for the easiest and most direct way possible to load an image to the LPCXpresso5468 development board using the MCUXpresso IDE. If someone were to provide an explanation here or refer me to a web/video/pdf regarding this, I would very much appreciate it. I am complete newbie and I've been tasked with this at work.

Thank you.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi there.

The most easiest way to display an image on the LPCXpresso5468 is to make a small example (like HelloWorld) and use one bitmap resource that uses the image file you intend to use and an image view to show the image on the screen.

Especially for 'complete newbies': Let me recommend to work through our Quick Tour tutorial - it covers all the basics and presents the workflow.

Best regards,

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