in System Integration by
I am currently working on the STM32L496ZGT6P NUCLEO board. I want to do GUI development on the same but don't get how to integrate Embedded wizard on MCU. One more thing is that I will be using CubeIDE as my development IDE.

This is a part of MedTech Startup which will be commercialized within a year. I have tried all the possible things mentioned in the documentation but still with a custom board and custom display it seems difficult to integrate all the things. I hope for the appropriate guidance for this problem. Kindly provide me with the example package for the board if possible.


1 Answer

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let me recommend to get started with the STM32L496 Discovery board instead of the NUCLEO board. For this target we have a ready to use Build Environment (including support for STM32CubeIDE) and a comprehensive Getting Started with STM32L496 Discovery documentation.

Once you have that up and running it will be much easier to adapt that to your custom specific hardware (e.g. NUCLEO or your own hardware).

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

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