in GUI Development by

I want to implement a generic screen navigation method to switch from one screen to another screen.
So for that I've created one class A to get the screen class name to be switched as a Core::Group property.
Also I've created one more class B, inside of which I've added one method, and giving the screen class name as argument of Core::Group type.
So it'll become more generic when I can able to give the screen class name alone as a property to the newly created method, by just calling the SwitchToDialog method with screen class name as a property.

1 Answer

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Hello Dinesh,

may be you can upload your implementation? Based on your description I have a difficulty to imagine your design...

See also the chapter Simplified approach to handle top-level dialogs (switching screens). It describes the properties ActiveDialog and ActiveDialogClass, both available in the Application component. By simply assigning a value to the properties you switch the (top-level) dialogs. May be it is already the functionality you are looking for?

Best regards



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