in Platform Packages by
fatal error: GLES2/gl2.h: No such file or directory

I tried to run the MAKEFILE in the Project folder on my Raspberry Pi Virtual Machine.  I copied the RasPi-4B folder

created on my PC when I did the Build for the HelloWorld example.  the make showed the error above

1 Answer

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what do you mean with "Raspberry Pi Virtual Machine"? Did you try to get everything up and running according to our Getting Started with Raspberry Pi documentation?

It seems that you did not install the necessary libraries:

Best regards,

I followed the instructions in the Getting Started documentation including the sudo get-app command you showed above.  When I run that command I am getting a 404 error message so I am researching the VM documentation about establishing communication with the internet

The command should be

sudo apt-get

and not

sudo get-app

Maybe this was wrong? But anyhow, you need an internet connection to download the packages.

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