in GUI Development by
I want to enable,access and read data from the mems microphones on STM32F469 using Embeded Wizard ?
have you any proposition to start from ?

Best Regards,

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Manel,

your question covers two parts:

1. Reading and processing of data from the microphones

2. Accessing the data from the UI application

Concerning (1) let me refer to the ST community because this is an ST hardware / driver topic, that is not related to UI development.

Concerning (2): Please have a look to the provided sample 'DeviceIntegration', which shows the principles of accessing any underlying device or software API. The necessary background information is written in the articles 'Integrating with the Device' and 'Device Class and Device Driver'.

Best regards,


Thank you for the Guide , I will check it .


Best Regards,


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