in GUI Development by

I want to create a database for the vertical list, so the list can display a preview of the parameters in the selected object of the list.

I created a Component specifically for the single  object in the list, they are all the same, with it's property, name of the object etc...

I specified the item class to match that component.

A basic idea of "database" would be an array of those type of object.

The question is... how i tell (presumably in the onLoad method) the list to load the preview info inside the array? and to specifically acces them when i want to modify them?  and not to initialize the object item of the list from scratch....



1 Answer

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Hello Riccardo,

... how i tell (presumably in the onLoad method) the list to load the preview info inside the array? and to specifically acces them when i want to modify them?  and not to initialize the object item of the list from scratch....

hmm ... It is not clear for me what you mean. Therefore let me explain the concept of Vertical List. Possibly it answers your question.

Vertical List manages only the actually visible items. When the user scrolls the list and an item become exposed, the list invokes a slot method associated to the OnLoadItem property. Within the slot method the affected item can be initialized with the corresponding data. The consequence of this approach is that the original data for the items has to be managed outside the Vertical List. The Vertical List acts only as a small view for a potentially very large set of data items.

Best regards

Paul Banach

thanks, paul.

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