Inside Application unit, I created a enum set and named it as enum_set_1 and inside of that I've added enum items say FirstItem, SecondItem, ThirdItem like that. similarly I've created another enum set as enum_set_2, enum_set_3 and enum_set_4 respectively with some enum items say item1, item2, item3 like that.
I created a class data_channel with var1 of type Application::enum_set_1 and var2 of type Application::enum_set_2 as a property. And I've added one variable say data of type uint32. I've added one method, so as to give var1, var2 and data as an argument. The method will return one uint32 value to be stored in the variable address data. So If I use this data_channel object inside other Application classes I can able to configure the var1 and var2 just by clicking the drop down button in the attribute of var1 and var2.
Similarly, if I choose var1 value as FirstItem, I want the var2 type should be changed as some different enum set, say enum_set_3, and for SecondItem var2 type should be changed to another enum set, say enum_set_4.
So how we can achieve this before generating code itself.