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I am using a vertical list for displaying dynamic data which is a linked list in C language. (Target specific code)

I am getting the data needs to be loaded in the list from C language (Target specific code) using native. 

There are several cases in the vertical list 

  • Where item in a specific position needs to be added or removed 
  • Changing the string getting displayed on one item alone 
  • Need to change the order of the items in the list
  • Pointing 1st item as highlighted item, when already highlighting item is removed, etc.

 All these things will be happening in runtime dynamically. 

How to handle these cases in embedded wizard using update view state, or is there any other way we can handle this in vertical list?

1 Answer

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the Vertical List is just a view. It does not implement any of the features from your requirements above. The typical approach is:

* Manage the data in some kind of data base. This could be your linked list in C.

* When new items are added to the data base (e.g. to the linked list) - Inform the Vertical List about it -> adjust the property NoOfItems.

* When items are deleted from the database (e.g. from the linked list) - Inform the Vertical List about it -> adjust the property NoOfItems.

See also Specify the number of items within the list.

* When the content of one item in the data base has changed - notify the Vertical List to reload the item.

* When items have changed their order or multiple items have been modified - notify the Vertical List to reload the item range.

* Also when you add/remove an item in the middle of the list - notify the Vertical List to reload all following items.

See also Force the list to reload items.

* To highlight an item you select this item in the simplest case. See also Select an item within the list.

* Selection of an item affects its View State 'Selected'. In the component implementing the item, react to the alternation of the Selected state. See the chapter Managing component state

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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