in Embedded Wizard Studio by


as an intermediate solution, I want to keep my Device Interface compatible to two different "ApplicationClass"es, as set in Profile -> Application Class.

This is the one and only setting I want to adapt within the Embedded Wizard Studio.

Therefore, in the "Init" method of my two Core::Root instances, I want to send "$ApplicationClass" as string across the Device Interface for my application to evaluate.

This should be possible somehow, as the expression "$ApplicationClass" seems to evaluated when used within a "trace" statement, as described here:


Maybe my desired solution is too narrow-minded, and there's a different way to achieve what I want.

Thank You for your support,



1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello zeetrap,

exact as shown in the trace statement use the macro inside a string literal, e.g. "$ApplicationClass". This will result in a string consisting of this macro values only.

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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