in Embedded Wizard Studio by


Abnormal behaviors are observed in display, while features are updated continuously with CAN signal (Eg. Speedo or Tacho ) .

Below are some of the examples:

1.Box like pixel appearance

2.Positions of icons/texts are updated randomly

3.Duplication of images appearing randomly in display

any one aware of the similar issues ? or any suspects in the modules which we need to check?

Please find below for issue image

Note: Issue getting temporarily cleared on activating of other view but occurring again after some time

Eg. Open and close of settings Menu




1 Answer

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difficult to say what is going wrong.

Can you check the console output and provide the entire message logs from the beginning until the disturbed display appears? Are there any error messages?

Are you accessing the GUI application from different threads/tasks when you receive your CAN data?

What version of Embedded Wizard and what target are you using? Please provide more information about the entire system and the configuration.

Best regards,


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